When to Introduce Certain Foods to Your Baby | Bright Beginnings Preschool


When to Introduce Certain Foods to Your Baby

It’s pretty exciting when your baby is ready for their first bites of real food. But, your little one can’t have just anything. Babies can consume certain foods at certain ages and stages, based on their ability to mash and swallow. You also have to take into consideration allergic reactions. How do you know when to introduce certain foods to your baby? Read on to find out.

Baby Cereal

Baby cereal is the first thing you want to introduce your child to. Some children eat cereal as early as 4 months, while others don’t begin until 6 months. Cereal can be in the form or rice, whole wheat, or oatmeal and should be mixed with some breastmilk or formula to make a less thick consistency. While some parents are gung-ho about cereal, others skip it altogether. What do they offer instead? Read on!

Four to Six Months

As stated above, this is the prime time to introduce food to your little one. If you opt to skip cereal, offer them soft, mash able fruit like avocado, apple (cooked and pureed), pear, and banana. You could also offer pureed veggies like butternut squash, green beans, or sweet potato. Always offer one food at a time, for about four days or so to make sure a food allergy isn’t present.

Six to Nine Months

At this stage in the game, your baby is a pro at eating soft mash ables. You can now start to mix flavors together and add in some stronger tasting veggies, which are loaded with fiber and nutrients. Start to introduce zucchini, pumpkin, and carrots. And, for fruits, offer more exotic flavors like apricot, mango, peach, plums, nectarines, or prunes. At this point, pretty much anything goes, so if you’re making your own baby food, have fun with mixing up concoctions.

This is also the time when you can start to integrate some meat into your baby’s routine. Chicken and turkey (or even tofu) are suggested and should be mixed with a sweet flavor, like apple or sweet potato.

Nine to Ten Months

Around nine months, your baby is ready to take on berries. Any and all will do. You can also include bites of asparagus, and chunkier textures so your baby starts to wean off strictly purees. Beef, eggs, and pork are all safe to try at this point, as are cheese and yogurt. In fact, mixing carrots in with vanilla yogurt  with a sprinkle of cinnamon is a great way to get dairy and veggies in your child’s diet.

Ten to Twelve Months

At this point, you’ve got the green light to offer cow’s milk. Watch your baby carefully to determine if they have an allergy to it. Your baby can also start to eat fish, beans, and spinach. At this point, start to offer larger chunks of solids, like a piece of banana, cereal bites, puffs, and other yummy snacks like yogurt melts. Your baby will watch what you’re eating closely, so be sure to set a good example and eat from a wide variety of fruits, veggies, and meats. Keep juices and sugary snacks to a minimum. Offer lots of water too, because they’ll love practicing drinking from their sippy cup and not their bottle.

Foods to Be Weary Of

The following foods are associated with a high allergy risk or a major choking hazard, so be very careful when introducing them to your baby:

    • Honey
    • Peanut Butter
    • Eggs
    • Strawberries
    • Whole Milk
    • Grapes
    • Salad/Lettuce
    • Popcorn

When your baby starts to eat solids, it’s pretty exciting. Help them on their food journey by introducing them to all the right foods and keeping them heathy and safe.  Don’t forget to always consult your pediatrician before trying new foods!

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