Benefits Of Children Going Barefoot | Bright Beginnings Preschool

6 Benefits Of Preschoolers Going Barefoot



If you’ve ever screamed, “Put your shoes on” to your child, or absolutely forbid them from taking their shoes or socks off at the playground like some of their friends were doing, you’re not alone. There are many parents around the globe who are convinced that shoes on at all times are a must. But, on the flip side, there are also many parents who do the total opposite, and take their kids’ shoes off for them. So what’s the big deal about being barefoot? Some may argue that kids can pick up germs, get infections, or even physically injure their piggy toes. But, many parents just aren’t buying it and are letting their kids’ feet run free. Read on to learn why this may not be so bad and just maybe consider allowing your little ones to have a different experience outdoors.

Reason 1- Glass Isn’t Every Where

Unless you live directly in the city, it’s pretty unlikely that shattered glass is scattered across a field or pasture-especially in your own yard. So, there isn’t as much danger as the stigma suggests. Plus, when your kids run around barefoot, it calluses their feet up a bit, making them much tougher so in the instance that they do step on something, they’re less likely to get hurt.

Reason 2- They Aren’t Likely to Pick up An Illness

Believe it or not, but going barefoot does not mean your child will hands down pick up an illness or disease for that matter. The skin is designed to keep pathogens out, and your child is much more likely to pick up an illness using their hands more than their feet since they don’t put any part of their feet in their mouth. If you think about it, shoes actually create an opportunity for illness by trapping bacteria or fungus due to all the darkness and moisture occurring in their kicks.

Reason 3- It’s a Freeing Experience

Think back to a time that you walked barefoot on grass. It’s a pretty freeing experience. And, kids need that. Their daily routine  can be filled with formalities and sometimes kids need to learn how to have some good old fashioned fun-and just be a kid.

Reason 4- It Exposes Them to Different Textures

Often times, kids don’t experience all the textures they need to. By exploring a wide variety of textures, kids become comfortable with all kinds of sensations and consistencies-especially during the eating process. So, if you want a less picky eater, get their shoes off outside and encourage them to frolic in the grass and dip their toes in the sand.

Reason 5- It Builds Strength and Supports Balance

Think about yoga-how often do you see its participants wearing shoes? Yoga is all about flexibility and balance. So, when your kids go barefoot, they don’t just build up a tough ness to their tootsies, their feet become stronger, better balanced, and more like tools which help them run, climb, and jump. In addition, going shoeless also allows the ankle to learn how to stabilize. This helps prevent injuries, prevent falls, and keep their balance. So, if your child is a bit clumsy, indulge them in some shoeless therapy each day!

All kids need to experience being barefoot from time to time. Whether you’re totally on board with this or not, encourage your kids to give it a go. Just be sure to scan their immediate environment to ensure its safe and let them explore the world around them organically for a bit! They have nothing to lose, but everything to gain.

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