How to Encourage A Shy Child To Socialize | Bright Beginnings Preschool

How to Encourage A Shy Child To Socialize 

Some children will walk right up to a stranger and hug them, others will wave and smile and some will hide behind their parents. Every child is different, and they each need to be nurtured, validated and approached in their own way. If your little one is ultra-shy, here are some tips and tricks to help them ease out of their shell.

Immerse Them Around Others

A great way for children to be more comfortable with others is to be around others. And, this takes practice. Sign up for a parent-child class so they can get used to being around kids and adults in your presence. Once they become a bit more comfortable with this, sign them up for music lessons or any other activities that are one-one-one, but with an adult (no kids just yet). Finally, once you notice they are getting comfortable with being without you in public, get them involved in a team sport or activity that doesn’t put the focus solely on them. In a team setting, your child will learn how to work and speak with others, and will also have lots of children to observe and learn from socially, emotionally, and physically.

Enroll Them In A Quality Preschool Program

There are so many benefits for your family being enrolled in a preschool and one of the top on the list is that they get an opportunity to socialize and interact with other children their own age 5 days a week. At Bright Beginnings Preschool, we often see children who are very shy when they first enroll. It is incredible to watch the transformation that takes place between the first day of school and the coming weeks. Often times parents are surprised to hear that their child was chatting with others and making new friends shortly after being dropped off for the first time. Preschool is such a confidence and independence booster for children!


For shy kids, walking into a public place, like an ice cream shop or a grocery store; could really make them feel uncomfortable. It’s filled with people they don’t know and spaces could feel overwhelming to them. So, a few minutes before pulling up to your destination, remind them that they are about to go inside and start listing some things they’ll encounter. Review your expectations if a stranger pays your child a compliment or greets them (you expect them to smile, wave, or say hello-just start with one, but all three would be an added bonus!)

Don’t Call Them Shy

News flash-shy kids know they are shy. They are usually very smart, self-aware, and cautious. They can embarrass easily. So, if you outwardly tell a stranger that your child is shy in front of them, it will make them even shyer and feel uncomfortable. You don’t have to make excuses or comments for your child’s behavior in the presence of strangers. If your child acts withdrawn, utilize prompts in an effort to get them to interact with others.

Be a Role Model

When your child sees that you are happy, confidence, friendly, and outgoing, they will start to absorb these behaviors. Kids learn from their environment. So, if their first reaction is to withdrawal from a stranger or friend, you can step in, take lead, and show your kiddo how it’s done!

Listen More

In some situations, kids become shy because their parents can tend to overpower them. They do all the talking for them and can be overly assertive. So, the natural reaction of a child is to sit back and remain quiet because they don’t need to speak as much for themselves. Allow your child plenty of time to speak and express themselves in front of you. Remain poised and pensive, so your kids know you hear them and are processing what they are telling you.


What is most important is that you don’t push too hard when trying these tips.Each child is different and not every child is or should be the most outgoing student in their class. What is important is that they are challenged to go outside of their comfort zone to challenge themselves.


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