8 Essentials To Pack In Your Hospital Bag | Bright Beginnings Preschool

Checklist for Your Hospital Bag

If your due date is right around the corner, it’s time to start packing your hospital adventure into mommy-hood. As you can probably guess, most first time moms seriously over pack their bag. The hospital provides many of the necessities that you need for your stay. These items include mesh underwear, postpartum pads, blankets and pillows, hospital gowns, baby blankets, and a compression band for c-sections. Here are some items that you do need to pack for your stay:

1.) Toiletries

Bring some of the comforts from home to the hospital to help you look and feel your best. Bring travel sized toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and face wash. Some women bring one razor, and they pack a makeup item or two like mascara or foundation. Bring a hair dryer and some hair ties to pull back your hair.

2.) Button Down Pajamas (3 sets)

Button down pajamas are important to pack, especially if you’re trying to nurse. They allow for easy access and aren’t too constricting in case you’ve had a c-section. You’ll bleed quite heavily as well after delivery (even if you’ve had a c-section), so you should be sure you have at least 3 pairs in case you bleed through a set.

3.) Nursing Bra

It’s wise to bring a nursing bra to the hospital. It allows you to test it out and get help from a lactation specialist. It also keeps your breasts comfortable and compressed while you sit and sleep.

4.) Going Home Clothes

Since you’ll be wearing pajamas and have a hospital gown, there won’t be much need for clothes. You should bring an outfit that is comfortable to wear home. Choose something stretchy, like yoga pants, since your belly won’t go down yet; and a nursing top that allows for easy access and is generally soft and comfortable.

5.) Baby Outfit

Your baby will be wrapped up like a burrito for the duration of your stay, so there really isn’t a need to bring clothing for them. You will want to bring an outfit for the car ride home, since they’ll be making their debut to the world. If it’s winter, be sure to pack a hat, baby mittens, and a few layers so they stay warm. You can also bring a blanket to drape over top of them as you dart in and out from the car to your house.

6.) Baby Carrier

A carrier allows you to safely travel with your baby. It cradles them in the hospital and snaps into a compatible car seat base.

7.) Slippers and a Cozy Robe

Non-slip socks are provided by the hospital, but many moms don’t like walking around their room or halls wearing these items and then sliding back into bed. So, a great pair of slippers will allow you to mosey around without feeling icky about getting back into bed. Remember that hospitals can be a little drafty so don’t forget a comfortable robe!

8.) Something You Love

Your baby is going to sleep most of the time. And, when you’re in between visitors, things can get pretty boring. When you get tired of television, it’s nice to have something else to turn to. Pack your lap top, a new book, some magazines, stuff to crochet-whatever makes you happy! It’s important to realize right from the get go that while you may be a new mom, you can and should do things that make you happy.

Make sure you’re ready to jet to the hospital on a moment’s notice. These eight items will ensure you’re prepared for anything and everything.

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