8 Benefits Of An Early Bed Time | Bright Beginnings Preschool


Benefits Of An Early Bed Time

You may have that friend who puts her kids down to sleep by 7:00pm each night. Often times you think it’s slightly strange, while other times you feel slightly envious. Why does she do that (and more importantly, how does she do it?)  There are so actually numerous benefits of putting kids down early. Read on to learn about them, so you can start implementing these with your child today!

1.) Healthier Overall

There is research that supports that children with later bedtimes are at a higher risk for delays and deficits in the areas of language, motor coordination, and social skills. Lower BMI

2.) Lower BMI

Additional studies show that children who go to bed later have poorer eating habits and a higher body mass index. This is usually because they eat dinner later or are snacking while stay up. This significantly has an overall impact on your child later in life by setting him or her up to have lifelong unhealthy eating habits. 

3.) Increases Alertness

When school aged children go to bed earlier, they are more alert in school the next morning and are more likely to perform better.

4.) Emotionally Stable

Some studies show that children who go to bed early (8 or before) are more emotionally stable in the long run when they get a solid night’s sleep. According to Science Daily, “Children who experience inadequate or disrupted sleep are more likely to develop depression and anxiety disorders later in life.” 

5.) Sustainable Energy

In addition to waking up and being more emotionally stable, children also have more energy though out their day. This helps them actively participate in school activities and excel in physical, after school events like sports and clubs.

6.) Improves School Performance

According to a study by the National Sleep Foundation of 1,000 children and preadolescents, researchers tracked children’s sleep and school day performance. They found that ‘poor sleepers’ (children who had a hard time falling asleep and woke up during the night at least once) were significantly more likely to have trouble performing at school.

7.) Sleep Promotes Growth

Have you ever woken up in the morning and swear that your child as grown overnight? You aren’t alone! According to the Director of Sleep Medicine at the Children’s National Medical Center, Judith Owens, M.D., “Growth hormone is primarily secreted during deep sleep.” It seems as though Mother Nature has protected our little ones to promote growth hormone because infants spend about half of their time in this deep sleep! In fact, Italian researchers have concluded that children with less levels of growth hormone sleep less deeply than average children do.

8.) Sleep Helps Fight Germs

When your child sleeps they create proteins called cytokines that the body uses and depends on to beat infection, stress and illness. When your child does not get the right amount of sleep it impacts the number of cytokines your body has to fight illnesses. Yet another reason to get your kiddo to bed early!

While it may be difficult to change up a routine your child has gotten used to, in the long run your child (and you!) will be so much happier with a sleep structure that will enable your child to reach their potential!  So, what are you waiting for?


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