Baby Teething Remedies | Bright Beginnings Preschool

12 Baby Teething Remedies

12 Remedies to Help Teething

  1. Frozen Washcloth This is one of the easiest tricks in the book- and it won't cost you a penny. Wet a wash cloth and stick it in the freezer for 30 minutes. Your little one will love the texture of the wash cloth as well as it's cold temperature.
  2. Finger/Knuckle Massage With a clean finger apply gentle pressure to your baby's gums. This top is best before any teeth have broken through to avoid an accidental bite!
  3. Frozen Pineapple in a Teething Feeder Pineapple is an amazing anti-inflammatory with the extra ascorbic acid your little one needs to help soften the gum tissue and help the tooth break through faster! Freeze the pineapple in the teething feeder and you are good to go.
  4. Cold Spoon Refrigerating (don't freeze or it will stick to your child's mouth!) a spoon for 1 hour will help relieve your baby from discomfort. Place the spoon on your child's gums and rub for relief. This tip is best before any of your child's teeth have broken through, to avoid chipping teeth.
  5. Pure vanilla extract (not imitation) Dab a tiny bit on a Q-tip and spread and massage on sore gums.
  6. Breast milk cubes in teething feeder. Freeze your breastmilk in ice cube trays and put the ice cube in a teething feeder for your child.
  7. Chilled Foods If your baby has already started solid foods, try feeding him some cold apple sauce or yogurt. This tip fills your baby up and relieves discomfort.
  8. Mommy Teething Jewelry A mom know's that when their teething baby needs relief- they usually try to reach for something close by to chew on- usually a necklace they are wearing! Smart Mom Jewelry has designed Mommy necklace's as a solution. Now your baby can have something to chew on that is FDA-approved, silicone, free of phthalates, BPA, PVC, latex and lead and it’s non-toxic and dishwasher-safe! Safe for your baby and it's stylish! Check out all the awesome designs here.
  9. Wooden Teether Children who are teething love all sorts of textures to chew on to relieve their pain. Try out these awesome wooden teething toys here.
  10. Fresh Ginger Root Gently massage a slice of peeled ginger root on your child's gums.
  11. Make a Breast Milk Slushie Mix your breastmilk and ice cubes in a blender to give some cold relief to your child's inflamed gums.
  12. Sophie the Giraffe Sophie the Giraffe has been helping babies with teething pains for over 50 years. This squeaky and adorable toy is made in the French Alps and is made of 100% natural rubber (BPA- and phthalate-free) and food paint. You can buy a Sophie here.

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