7 Tips to Make Bedtime Easier | Bright Beginnings Preschool

7 Tips to Make Bedtime Easier

Getting your child to sleep can be a constant struggle for many families. Here are some tips to make your nights calmer and more enjoyable for you and your child.

  1. Make a plan. Write down what the routine will be for your child at night time. Have your child contribute to the list. For instance: bath, pajamas, brush teeth, read a book with Mom or Dad, Mom sings a lullaby, lights out. The most important thing is to stick to your routine. It may take a week or two but children need a strict routine to wake up fresh the next day.
  2. Avoid feeding your child an hour before bedtime. Meals usually perk children up and the focus an hour before bed is to wind them down. try not to give your child any sort of caffeine or sugar 5 hours before bedtime.
  3. Unplug. Make the hour before bed a screen free zone (for everyone- including you!) Try not to have phones, i-pads, computers or the TV on. Electronic screens keep you awake much longer than you realize. Research has shown that you may be super tired before turning them on but electronics are so stimulating that you often stay awake longer after using them and you have a more restless nights sleep.
  4. Encourage quiet activities after dinner. Try to promote things like drawing with colored pencils, reading and puzzles before bedtime to calm your child down. Reflective activities are not nearly as stimulating as electronics.
  5. Set the mood. The environment to settle down after a long day is crucial to an easier bedtime routine. If you have light dimmers in your child's room- use them! Every 5 minutes turn then down a little bit more. If your child has a night light make sure it's not too bright. If your child needs music to go to sleep, make sure that the music doesn't have lyrics and that the volume is super low. Try to turn it off when your child falls asleep. Don't forget to be sure to be consistent that your child's bedtime routine is in their room- not yours!
  6. Don't underestimate the power of a stuffed animal. If your child has fears of being alone when going to sleep, encourage him to cuddle up to his favorite stuffed animal. It has been scientifically proven that children who are scared to go to sleep alone have mess nightmares when sleeping with a furry friend.
  7. Try not to respond right away. If your child calls for you after you have left his room, don't respond right away. Wait a few minutes before responding. This will remind him that he should be asleep and will give him a chance to self soothe and out himself back to sleep while he's waiting for you.

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