"The staff were always very pleasant and we loved the coffee bar they offer in the mornings! We especially liked the security features of the school and the check in/check out procedure are pretty awesome too! Not to mention the Tadpoles Electronic Daily Reports they use to communicate throughout the day. We highly recommend Bright Beginnings!" -Laura, Daniel and Skylin Roberson, Mill Creek
Typical Day at our Preschool
Get to know us by looking at this sample schedule for enrolled children!
7:30-8:30am - Children arrive and start in drop off classroom with three areas set up:
breakfast table
quiet table activities (puzzles, books, free style art activities, play dough, books)
carpet play (trucks, blocks, kitchen and practical living, dress up)
Students may be grouped with similar aged children from other classrooms as teachers arrive on a staggered schedule. As teachers arrive, students are transferred with classmates to home classroom and day begins.
8:30-11:45am- all students and teachers are in appropriate classrooms and the preschool day begins following curriculum calendar and planned activities.
12:15pm-12:45pm- Lunch (lunch prep including manners please and thank you recitation, lunch with quiet music and teacher sitting family style, relaxed meal conversations encourage children to talk to neighbors and use appropriate table manners and social etiquette)
12:45pm-1:00pm- Transition to nap (lunch clean up, potty, and hand wash, chapter books or books on cds, quiet classical music, cool or warm cloths with essential oils for relaxation)
1:00pm-3:00pm - Nap Time
3:00pm-3: 15pm- Nap Transition Transition from nap to afternoon curriculum (clean up, potty and hand wash, snack, gather belongings and art projects and work from day)
3:15pm-3:30pm - Snack Time (school provides variety of child friendly snacks and fresh fruits and vegetables
3:30pm-4:00pm - Afternoon Meeting (review of day, preview of tomorrow, reminders, sharing, songs, literature)
4:00pm-4:30pm - Easel painting and creative art
4:30pm-5:00pm - Outdoor play
5:00pm-5:30pm - Literature, music and math manipulatives, review of days activities, opportunity to preview upcoming activities. Transition to closing room, may combine with like age peers as teacher’s transition off, puzzles, board games and centers activities