How to Encourage Children to Brush Their Teeth | Bright Beginnings Preschool

Bath? Check! Pajamas? Check! There’s only one thing left to do: the dreaded toothbrushing. You’re so close, yet so far away from putting your child down for the night.  

What is it about toothbrushing that is so off putting to your preschooler? You’ve told them time and again: brushing is simply good hygiene. Luckily, pediatric dentists the world over have discovered a number of clever tricks to motivate toothbrushing at home. Try some (or all) of these ideas from They’re guaranteed to get your child excited about their oral health! 

Let your kids pick their own toothbrush and toothpaste

You wouldn’t like it if your three year old picked out your outfit, right? So don’t pick out their toothbrush! We all have different preferences and your child is developing a stronger sense of self every day.  Let your child choose a toothbrush that reflects their personality. Let them choose from countless characters and colors. Pick a yummy toothpaste flavor, like cherry or strawberry. Their motivation to brush will skyrocket! 

Have your child brush their teeth to a song 

Get your child excited to brush by dancing around the bathroom to their favorite song! Try and make sure the song lasts for 2 minutes (the recommended time for brushing).  Getting their body moving will distract from the traditional monotony of toothbrushing. 

Turn toothbrushing into a game  

Children love to use their imagination! Pediatric dentists often refer to plaque as “sugar bugs.” Incorporate this into your game! Can the Mickey Mouse on your toothbrush fight off the evil sugar bugs lurking behind each tooth? Does the toothpaste create a tidal wave that wipes out Sugar Bug City? 

Create a reward system

Who doesn’t love a prize for a job well done? We love getting small rewards—they motivate us to keep up our behavior. Try a Brush Cart at home! Consider giving your child a sticker every time they brush their teeth. They’ll love seeing their chart fill up. Perhaps they earn a special treat, like a new matchbox car, at the end of the month!  

Make brushing a group activity

Brushing can, and should, be a family affair! Set the timer for two minutes and rock out to a favorite song together! What preschooler would want to miss out on that? 

Before long, your child will fly through their evening routine–including toothbrushing! Now when she’s begging to sleep in your bed, she’ll be doing so with sparkling, clean teeth. 

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