How to Teach Your Child to Sleep in Their Own Bed | Bright Beginnings Preschool

How to Teach Your Child to Sleep in Their Own Bed

For parents, it can be hard to say no to your child at times, especially when it comes to their child sleeping in their bed. One thing that a lot of parents struggle with is saying no when their little one wants to snuggle up in bed with them. But, just one time can unleash a big, bad habit! Kids need to sleep in their own bed for a wide variety of reasons- but one reason is for the entire family to be able to get a restful night of sleep. Read on to learn how to help them feel secure in their own space, and make having their own bed fun and enjoyable.

Make Their Bed Awesome Your child will want to stay in their own bed if it is comfortable and fun. Splurge on super soft sheets, buy some new pillows, and let your child pick out their sleep set. Do whatever you have to do to involve them in the “ownership” of their bed. You will help them create their own space to unwind, that belongs to them and only them.

Scope out Scare Factors Some kids don’t want to stay in their own bed because they get scared. Look around their room and cut down on deterrents. Set up a night light that they love, put away toys that cast shadows, leave their door open. Do whatever you need to do to make their room comforting at night and less frightening. Background noise can help soothe your child to sleep, and stay asleep in the long run.

No Means No Do not let your child into your bed if you do the above, and previously tell them they are not allowed in your bed. Kids test boundaries and if they press you enough and you give in; you have implemented one very bad habit. They will constantly remember the time you told them no, but let them in your bed. If you do not want them to sleep with you, do not make any exceptions. No means no, so stop sending mixed messages to your kiddos.

Install a 2 Way Monitor Your child may be more inclined to stay in their own bed if they know you can hear them and they can talk to you. Purchase a 2 way baby monitor. Your child will understand that you can see them, so they feel safer. And, if they get scared or need to hear your voice, you are there with just a push of a button.

Use a Gate This may be rough, but a gate may be what you need to put up in order to keep a frisky toddler at bay. Tough love plays a huge role here. So, you could put up a safety gate that physically does not allow them to exit their room and bed. Your child will get the point after a few failed attempts, and you can firmly establish boundaries and guidelines when it comes to bed time.

If you are ready to get a good night sleep, or if you want your child to love their bed and stay put; it’s not too late to turn things around. The five tips above can help any parent get a better night’s sleep, re-establish bedtime boundaries, and help their child gain confidence and love sleeping in their own bed each night.

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