How to Help Your Child Build Self-Confidence | Bright Beginnings Preschool

How to Help Your Child Build Self-Confidence

It’s never too early to help your child build self confidence. And yes, this is actually a skill you can teach them! Kids need guidance and support in this department so they learn to be accepting of themselves in every way but also be ok with their weaknesses. It's important for a child know not only that there will be obstacles but learning to embrace those obstacles with confidence will take them a long way! If you’re not sure how to do this or where to start, try these six tips to start boosting your kids’ confidence today.

  1. Try Not To Over-Inflate Their Abilities Of course every parent wants to be their kids' biggest cheerleader. But, sometimes parents can can take it to the extreme and can cause more harm than good. For example, I heard one of my friends tell their child who was playing with blocks that they build that most amazing castle in the world . While there’s nothing wrong with a compliment like, “Nice building!” Telling them anything they do is the best in the “world” all of the time can set a child up for failure and stress. Balance and moderation is key here- of course encourage and compliment your child but do it in moderation. Also, instead of complimenting your child right away instead ask your child what they are building, why they are building it and ask who it's for. Sometimes compliments are easier than fully engaging with and asking about the activity at hand.
  2. Take a Back Seat Let your kids build up their confidence by attempting to work through their own problems before you step in. This helps them learn they have the ability to persevere through a difficult moment and they can count on themselves; which is key in being confident.
  3. Focus on Their Strengths No one is good at everything. Certain children shine in certain areas. Kids often focus on the negative and what they aren’t good at. So, figure out what your child excels in and work on making them even stronger. For example, if your child is a great artist, sign them up for private art lessons. If your child is great at math; ask your child’s teacher to recommend some accelerated programs you can access online at home. If your child shows an immense talent for identifying rocks or minerals, invest in a geology set. When you go the extra mile for your child, they become confident because their talents are recognized and acknowledged.
  4. Encourage Compliments Encourage your child to compliment someone else at least once a day-even if they don’t know them. Confident kids tend to be more vocal and engaging in conversation. Part of feeling good about yourself is knowing that you treat others well. One compliment goes a long way and this strategy will stick with them well into adulthood.

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