11 Mommy Self-Care Tips | Bright Beginnings Preschool

11 Mommy Self-Care Tips

11 Totally Awesome Mommy Self-Care Tips

Self-care is such a hard thing to add into our lives but it is so vital in being a present parent. Here are some ideas to get the ball rolling!

  1. Essential Oil Diffusers Have you ever walked into a spa and instantly relaxed? What are the things you noticed when you got there? Spa's have their recipe down for helping you relax by having an amazing scent...and most of the time they use diffusers. These are a gamer changer! You put water into the diffuser, put a few drops of your favorite essential oil into the water and you are all set! Want to wind down after a long day? Use lavender oil! Want to feel more awake while your getting ready for your day? Try peppermint oil! Using a diffuser is an easy way to take care of yourself during those rare moments of quiet in your life.
  2. Go ahead- book yourself a mani-pedi! Have your hubby watch the kids and get out of the house to get some quality time with yourself!
  3. Go for a walk with your dog- or by yourself! Taking time to go outside in nature is absolutely necessary in staying physically and mentally healthy! Try to get outside for a walk for 15-20 minutes a day. An added bonus- the vitamin D from the sun!
  4. Be good to yourself- go screen free for a few hours a day. You might not like this one but...turn off your darn phone! These days we are so incredibly dependent on the technology that we use every day. So much so that studies have shown that significant screen time (aka cell phone and Ipad time) has been directly linked to stress, sleep disorders, heavy fatigue, depression-among other disorders! Do yourself a favor and turn your phone off! Also- Make sure your bedroom is a technology free zone! Watching TV before bed and looking on your Facebook on your phone can lead to a horrible nights sleep. Take care of yourself- Try not to even sleep with your phone in your bedroom! Also, think about the message we send our children when they see us on our phones? Children seeing their parents interacting and not escaping through their phones teaches them the importance of human interaction but also the more screen free your home is the better your child's vocabulary will be!
  5. Take a bubble bath How often do you get to take a hot bubble bath?! Probably not very often! Put a scoop of Epson salts in your bath to help ease your body aches! Don't forget to soak in the Epson salts for at least 20 minutes for the full benefit of the powerful minerals!
  6. Buy yourself flowers Don't wait to get flowers from loved ones- buy them for yourself! We are so obsessed with getting flowers from Trader Joe's because they are so affordable and they have some stunning arranged bouquets!
  7. Pick up a Book Grab the latest chicklit books and unwind by reading something not so serious!
  8. Light some candles for yourself (out of the reach from your children of course!)
  9. Start a Gratitude Journal Jot down things that you appreciate in your life and family. This doesn't need to be anything fancy- and can even be bullet points!
  10. Meet a friend for coffee or dinner Even though it may feel like the last thing you want to do when you are overwhelmed with things to do and exhausted- this could be the one tip you need the most! Getting out of your day to day family routine and nurturing the friendships you have is so healthy for you! Being able to vent, laugh and listen with friends will leave you feeling like your glass is half full!

Remember taking care of yourself is taking care of your kids!

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